Book online or by phone/email!

Court rentals start at $28 per hour

Book and play at True North Courts

  • Court rentals

    Courts are available to be reserved up to one week ahead of time. You can as many of the four courts as you like for a minimum of 1 hour (increasing by 30 minute intervals).

    The cost per court, per hour is

    $32 Mon-Fri between 5:00-9:00pm and during the weekends

    $28 Mon-Fri before 5:00pm and after 9:00pm

    The easiest way to book and see court availability is through our online booking site (link below). But you can also call in or email True North Courts

  • Block Booking

    If you have a set day and time you want to play each week, block booking may be for you. Instead of booking the courts each week, you can reserve them from September to the end of December or January to the end of May

    You are given the right of refusal in terms of re-booking your time slot so you also don’t have to worry about anyone else coming in and snagging your spot from you.

  • Changes or cancelations

    You are able to cancel or change your booking up to 24 hours in advance. Repeated cancelations may lead to reduced ability to book courts.

    If you need to cancel or change the day of your booking within the 24 hours, you will still be charged for the court time that day.

Before you play

Before you play you MUST:

  • Have proper indoor shoes. Hiking shoes, loafers, open toed ect as well as any muddy shoes are NOT permitted. They are unsafe and could potentially damage the courts. There will be no refunds for those who fail to follow this rule. (If you wouldn’t walk through your mothers house in them they aren’t clean indoor shoes)

  • Fill out a waiver. The first time you play at True North Courts, please grab a waiver off the table on the way in. These are kept on file so you only ever need to fill it out the first time. Your information is not distributed anywhere, although I may use your email to send out updates (no more than once a month).

  • Bring some water! We do sell water/Gatorade on site and have a water cooler in the viewing area to refill reusable water bottles.